Keysight VEE Pro 9.32

VEE Pro 9.32
Keysight VEE Pro 9.32 is an easy-to-use graphical language environment that provides a quick path to measurement and analysis.
Designed for easy expansion, flexibility and compatibility with the latest industry standards, Keysight VEE allows seamless operation with hardware and software from Keysight and other manufacturers.
Faster performance:
- Multithreading
- Multi-core programming
Greater ease of use:
- More sample programs for the latest Keysight instruments such as the Keysight 33500 Series function/arbitrary waveform generators, 34411A digital multimeter and InfiniiVision series DSO or MSO oscilloscopes
- USB Modular DAQ vTools*
- General vTools*
- SCPI completion
- Conditional breakpoints
- Breakpoints window
- Private UserFunction
Supports latest industry standards:
- Integrated LXI support
- Integrated database support
All information is available on
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